{"id":145537,"date":"2023-11-25T15:26:59","date_gmt":"2023-11-25T15:26:59","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/celebritywshow.com\/?p=145537"},"modified":"2023-11-25T15:26:59","modified_gmt":"2023-11-25T15:26:59","slug":"is-this-the-most-touching-picture-of-prince-philip-ever-taken","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/celebritywshow.com\/world-news\/is-this-the-most-touching-picture-of-prince-philip-ever-taken\/","title":{"rendered":"Is this the most touching picture of Prince Philip ever taken?"},"content":{"rendered":"

Is this the most touching picture of Prince Philip ever taken? On the anniversary of Kennedy’s assassination, we look back at the\u00a0 Royal Family’s friendship with the president – and the care they showed for John Jnr, the child left without a father…<\/h1>\n

It\u2019s one of the most touching photographs of Prince Philip\u00a0ever taken.\u00a0<\/p>\n

He is holding the hand of a four-year-old boy in a white coat, looking down at him with evident concern, while the boy\u2019s mother looks across at the Duke, her eyes conveying her thanks.<\/p>\n

The mother is of course Jacqueline Kennedy, widow of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 35th President of the USA, who had been cruelly slain by an assassin\u2019s bullet just 18 months earlier.<\/p>\n

The four-and-a-half-year-old boy is their son, John Jnr, who had already touched Philip\u2019s heart when the two met at the White House\u00a0on the day of JFK\u2019s funeral.<\/p>\n


Prince Philip looks down at John Junior while his mother, Jackie Kennedy holds the other. They are at Runnymede for dedication of the memorial to John F Kennedy in 1965. The 60th anniversary of JFK’s assassination falls today. Bobby Kennedy, left, watches with brother Ted by his side<\/p>\n


A curious John Kennedy Jnr holds his mother’s hand at Runnymede\u00a0<\/p>\n


Prince Philip, far right, holds the child’s hand as, with Her Majesty the Queen, they stand before the JFK memorial<\/p>\n


Prince Philip, right, walks with Jacqueline Kennedy, John Jnr and her daughter, Caroline. Queen Elizabeth is ahead and to the left<\/p>\n

News of Kennedy\u2019s death on 22 November 1963 shocked the world. The Queen and Duke as well as the Queen Mother\u00a0sent messages of condolences to Jackie and plans were hastily drawn up for representatives from Britain to attend the funeral which was scheduled for just three days later.<\/p>\n

At the time of the assassination the Queen was pregnant with Prince Edward, so Philip represented her at the ceremony in Washington.<\/p>\n

He flew from London with the Prime Minister, Alec Douglas-Home and his wife, the Leader of the Opposition, Harold Wilson and the Duke and Duchess of Devonshire (Andrew Devonshire’s older brother had married JFK’s sister Kathleen.)<\/p>\n

Deborah Devonshire later recalled Philip inviting her to join him for dinner with Wilson during the flight, with the other guests on an adjoining table. The two men ‘started talking about aeroplanes in such an incredible, technical way that it was quite impossible to listen to them and I found my mind wandering.’<\/p>\n

Given that there was such little time to prepare for Kennedy’s funeral, it was, in the Duchess’s words: \u2018not surprisingly, rather chaotic.\u2019<\/p>\n


Queen Elizabeth greets Caroline Kennedy with a handshake<\/p>\n


John Jnr salutes the guard\u00a0 at Buckingham Palace in May 1965. His mother, Jackie, stands behind while her sister, Lee Radziwill, is to the right\u00a0<\/p>\n


Prince Philip, third from the left, and foreign heads of state follow the Kennedy family in the funeral procession in November 1963<\/p>\n


John Jnr Kennedy saluting his father’s coffin on the steps of St Matthew’s Cathedral in 1963<\/p>\n


Prince Philip seen talking to the President of France, General Charles de Gaulle at the White House reception following the funeral<\/p>\n


Eunice Kennedy Shriver, sister of the murdered president, talks to Prince Philip at a reception following the state funeral in 1963<\/p>\n

When Philip arrived at St Matthew’s Cathedral, he found he hadn’t been allocated a seat and the Douglas-Homes had to move further back to make room for him.\u00a0<\/p>\n

On the cathedral steps after the service ‘Debo’ noted ‘Prince Philip’s stern blue look’ as he struggled to contain his emotion.<\/p>\n

Others openly wept as the president’s son John Jnr three years old that day, saluted his father’s coffin as it passed by to the presidential anthem ‘Hail to the Chief.’ Inside the cathedral earlier there had been more tears when ‘John-John’, whose third birthday fell that day, called out ‘Where’s my Daddy?’ and ‘Somebody pick me up’.<\/p>\n

Access for the prince at JFK\u2019s internment at Arlington Ceremony was no better. The Duchess noted he ‘was jostled at the back again and behind a lot of soldiers, so he was not among the foreign visitors when they came away from the grave.\u2019<\/p>\n

The prince was accorded one special tribute by Jackie herself. At the White House later in the day a large reception was held for the 220 representatives, from 92 countries \u2013 thought to have been the largest collection of dignitaries at the passing of a head of state since the funeral of Britain’s Edward VII in 1910.<\/p>\n

While members of the Kennedy family hosted the event in the State Dining Room, Jackie held a more intimate gathering in the Oval Office where she had requested Philip, President de Gaulle of France, Ethiopia’s Emperor Haile Selassie, and Ireland’s President \u00c9amon de Valera should join her for tea.<\/p>\n

Leaving the reception Philip was amused to see ‘John-John,’ in full birthday party mode, running down the corridor hotly pursued by his flustered nanny.<\/p>\n


Father and son pictured in the Oval office at the White House<\/p>\n


John Junior looks out from his father’s desk<\/p>\n

‘The kind-looking man watched me catch him,’ Maud Shaw later recalled, \u2018\u201d I\u2019ve got one like that,\u201d he grinned, referring to Prince Andrew. \u201cThey’re a handful, aren’t they?\u201d At this point he squatted down on the floor to play with the toddler.’\u00a0<\/p>\n

Meanwhile in the Oval Office, Jackie and her brother-in-law Robert Kennedy were talking to de Valera about Jack\u2019s visit to his ancestral home in Ireland just five months earlier.<\/p>\n

During the visit the president had been greatly moved by a poem written by the first lady, Sin\u00e9ad de Valera, an accomplished folklorist, and poet.<\/p>\n

The memory caused Bobby Kennedy to release the pent-up anguish of the previous few days in a flood of tears, prompting both de Valera and Jackie to break down as well.<\/p>\n

As Jackie left to compose herself, still in tears, she opened the door into the corridor where Philip still lay sprawled on the floor with her son.<\/p>\n

Seeing her distress, the Duke jumped up and, red faced with embarrassment at the awkward moment, explained how her young son reminded him of his own three-year-old and that he couldn\u2019t resist talking to him.<\/p>\n

As the little boy stared up at the adults, Jackie asked him: ‘John did you make your bow to the prince?’ at which point her son announced forcefully ‘I did,’ which helped to diffuse the tension.<\/p>\n


Jackie Kennedy visiting her sister Lee Radziwill for the christening of her daughter and the First Lady’s niece, Anna, in 1961<\/p>\n


President John Fitzgerald Kennedy and wife Jackie visit the Queen and Prince Philip\u00a0 in\u00a0 1961. This was the first time that an American President had visited Buckingham Palace since 1918<\/p>\n


Prince Philip shares a joke with the First Lady\u00a0 as the Queen chats to the President in 1961<\/p>\n


The Queen stands next to Jacqueline Kennedy after dinner at Buckingham Palace in 1961<\/p>\n

Philip rejoined Jackie in the Oval Office where, to help them unwind, the young widow and her sister Lee Radziwill sipped Bloody Mary\u2019s.<\/p>\n

Philip had met Lee a couple of years earlier at a Buckingham Palace banquet for the US President and First Lady. That evening ended with the Queen, mindful of Jackie’s interest in all things equestrian, walking her through the Picture Gallery, halting at a van Dyck portrait of Charles I on horseback, before declaring ‘that’s a good horse!’<\/p>\n

Lee later recalled being escorted on the gallery tour by Philip who joked: ‘You’re just like me \u2013 you have to walk three steps behind.’<\/p>\n

After the palace banquet Jackie told the writer Gore Vidal that she thought Philip ‘nice but nervous.’ Now in the Oval Office, she found him a reassuring presence.<\/p>\n

As the two sisters chatted to the Duke the White House Chief of Protocol approached Jackie and suggested she should meet the other VIPs downstairs.<\/p>\n

According to William Manchester who wrote the official account of the Kennedy assassination and its aftermath, after being asked if she wanted to mix informally with the guests or receive them in a line-up \u2018she looked at Philip appealingly.\u2019<\/p>\n

The ever-practical prince came to her rescue, telling her ‘I\u2019d advise you, you know, to have the line. It\u2019s really quicker and it gets it done.’\u00a0<\/p>\n


JFK defeated Richard Nixon in the 1960 US election and, at the age of 43, became the first to be born in the 20th century and the youngest ever to be elected. (Theodore Roosevelt was younger but gained office by succeeding assassinated William McKinlay)<\/p>\n


Texas Governor John Connally adjusts his tie as US President John F Kennedy and Jacqueline Kennedy settle\u00a0 down behind. They are prepared for the fateful motorcade into Dallas on November 22, 1963<\/p>\n

As she left her royal guest Jackie remembered protocol and dropped Philip a perfect curtsey, remarking to an aide: ‘I\u2019m no longer the wife of the chief of state.’<\/p>\n

The bond between Philip, Jackie, and the fatherless little boy he had played with at the White House was very clear that sunny Friday afternoon at Runnymede as they stood in a line to see the stone memorial honouring the president who died in his prime.<\/p>\n

At the unveiling the Queen praised John F Kennedy, telling Jackie and her children: ‘with all our hearts, my people shared his triumphs, grieved at his reverses and wept at his death.’<\/p>\n