Piers Morgan rages at laughing guest after they tore down Israel hostage posters

Piers Morgan and Douglas Murray on pro-Palestinian protests

Piers Morgan raged at his guest Shehab Elrefai for laughing after admitting to tearing down posters of Israeli hostages.

Elrefai was filmed tearing down posters in Los Angeles, just a few blocks away from the LA Holocaust Museum, and appeared on Morgan’s TalkTV show on Thursday.

He laughed at Morgan after the presenter showed video footage of Elrefai removing posters from a signpost, which displayed some of the 240 Israelis being held hostage by Hamas.

The Uncensored guest was explaining the difference between Zionism and Judaism when Morgan cut in.

“Why don’t you answer my questions?” he demanded. “We’re talking about 240 people-”

Read more: Piers Morgan torn apart after claiming ‘not all protesters are pro-Hamas’

Elrefai got his phone out mid-interview, smiling and appearing to chuckle at Morgan.

“Why are you laughing?” Morgan asked. “What’s possibly funny about this?”

The guest clarified: “I’m not laughing at people suffering. Not at all. I completely do not wish that to happen to anyone.”

But Morgan pressed him: “You were just laughing. You were literally laughing as I was asking you about 240 hostages, including a three-month-old baby.”

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“I got to be honest with you, I don’t really care about your subtle nuances or you thinking it’s all entertaining or you laughing,” he continued.

Morgan’s guest attempted to highlight the number of deaths in Gaza on both sides of the conflict, but the former ITV presenter interrupted, saying they had nothing to do with his actions in LA.

“What you are doing is shockingly insensitive and inappropriate and hurtful to the family members of those taken hostage, including many young children,” he said.

While Morgan snapped back at his guest on this occasion, the shoe was on the other foot on Wednesday when the host interviewed Douglas Murray about marches for Palestine.

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He was torn apart by the guest when he claimed not all protestors were pro-Hamas and they weren’t all chanting “from the river to the sea”.

“Here’s a challenge, Piers,” Murray responded. “If you decide to go on some sort of march and, in week one, you discovered that you had the BNP on your side calling, for instance, for the murder of all Black people.

“Would you not wonder whether or not you should go on week two? And would you not drop out about week three? I’d have thought so, I would.”

Morgan was left speechless for a moment before admitting that he would drop out of the march.

Piers Morgan Uncensored airs weekdays at 8pm on TalkTV.

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